August 1, 2024
· Ground-Under-Repair: To clarify, a bunker under construction is “Ground-Under-Repair”, until turf is replaced and reopened for play by Triggs. Free relief is 1-club length for stance and swing, no closer to hole. When reopened, if a ball lies in a cut turf seam or a cut seam interferes with intended swing, free relief is allowed.
· Preferred lies in your own fairway (6 inches). Preferred lie means lift, clean and place in your own fairway.
· Cart path extensions (entrances and exits only) are deemed to be abnormal course conditions. Free relief is 1 club length from your nearest point of complete relief.
· If your ball may be lost or out of bounds, it is recommended that you play a provisional ball. If your ball is lost or out of bounds, the penalty is 1 stroke and distance. Options are 1). Play your provisional ball or 2). Return to the location of your previous stroke. Note: The "Alternative to Stroke and Distance for Lost Ball or Ball Out of Bounds" with a 2-stroke penalty is NOT in effect and is NOT an option.
· Relief from interference by an immovable obstruction may be taken under Rule 16.1. These extra options to take relief are also available when immovable obstructions are close to the putting green and on the line of play and 1). Within 2-club lengths of the putting green and 2). Within 2-club lengths of the ball. Example: Free relief may be taken from sprinkler heads in the line of play and within 2-club lengths of the putting green and within 2-club lengths of the ball.
· 8th hole: To clarify, between the tee and the beginning of the fairway, play the ball as it lies. There is no preferred lie allowed. If there is casual water, then the USGA casual water rules apply. Under the rules of golf, you may take the unplayable ball option with a penalty of one stroke.
· 11th and 12th holes: brook is a red penalty rea. Consider the red penalty area to begin at the top of the slope on either side.
· 14th hole: area behind green is a red penalty area. Options for red penalty area behind the 14th green are 1). Play from previous place or 2). Play 2 club lengths from where the ball crossed the penalty area (no closer to the hole). Penalty is 1 stroke for either option.
· 15th hole: To clarify, if your ball is in the ditch that crosses the 15th fairway, there is no free relief from the ditch or from the tall grasses that grow to the right of the tee box. If your ball is found, options are to play the ball as it lies or take an unplayable. If the ball is lost, then your option is to follow the rules for a lost ball. If there is casual water, then the USGA casual water rules
apply. Also, there is small gully in the fairway beyond the ditch. Any ball landing in this area is to be played as it lies in the fairway; however, you should be able to move it out of the gully with our current local rule of preferred lies in your own fairway within 6 inches no closer to the hole.
The name of the organization is Triggs Ladies Inner Club.
Section 1 - Officers: The officers of the organization shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three Governors. Should there not be one single person to be President, Co-Presidents shall share one vote, and herein after, all reference to President shall mean President or Co-President as applicable. These seven (or eight should there be Co-Presidents) shall comprise the Board of Governors - called the Board.
Section 2 - Election of Board of Governors: The officers shall be elected at the fall annual meeting of the membership each year. The three (3) Governors shall be elected subsequent to the election of the Officers during the same annual meeting.
Section 3 - Terms of Office: The Officers shall serve for a two (2) year term and no more than two (2) consecutive terms in each office with the President and Secretary being elected in the even years and the Vice President and Treasurer in the odd years. The Governors shall serve two year terms with two (2) being elected in even years and one (1) in odd years.
Section 4 - Installation of Officers: All new officers shall have a meeting following installation to set the long-term agenda for the following year.
Section 5 - Vacancies: In the event that a vacancy occurs for the presidency, the Vice President (or the remaining Co-President) shall assume the full duties of the President for remainder of said term.
Should a vacancy occur in any other elected office, the Board shall have the power to appoint any member by majority vote of the Board to fill that office.
Section 6 - Nomination of Officers: During the month of July, a Nominating Committee consisting of three (3) members shall be appointed by the Board. No Board members shall be on the committee.
The Nominating Committee shall post the names of the nominees at least thirty (30) days in advance of the annual meeting, at which the election of officers will take place.
Any five (5) members, other than the members of the Nominating Committee and the Board, may submit nominations to the Secretary within fifteen (15) days prior to the annual meeting, and the Secretary shall immediately post the name(s).
Section 1 - Board of Governors: The Board of Governors (the Board) shall control and manage the affairs of the organization and make rules for the governing of same in accordance with the By-Laws. The Board shall appoint all committees as required by the By-Laws, and it shall have the power to fill any vacancies on committees. If a Board member is absent for three (3) consecutive meetings, a letter of warning will be sent to her indicating that missing the following meeting will be cause for dismissal. The Board shall meet at least once a month during the golfing season. The President or any three (3) members of the Board can call a meeting at any time during the year (see Article V, Section 3, Quorums).
The Board may vote on items via email for special situations.
Section 2 – President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and of the Board and she shall have general supervision over the affairs of the organization. She shall make all Board and Committee members aware of their duties as set forth in the by-laws.
She shall be a member, ex-officio, of all committees selected or appointed by the Board. Later, as past president, she shall be a member of all committees for one year.
She shall be a signatory on the checking account for the organization.
Section3 - Vice-President: The Vice-President, in the absence of the President, shall have the same powers and duties as the President. In the event that the President and Vice-President are absent, the Board may appoint one of its members as temporary President.
Section 4 - Secretary: The Secretary of the organization shall post notice of all meetings and keep records of meetings, including attendance and shall be posted after they have been approved by the Board. She shall maintain all records of the organization and transfer same at the last meeting to the incoming secretary.
Section 5 - Treasurer: The Treasurer of the organization shall collect all monies due to the organization. She shall promptly deposit such monies in a bank account in the name of the organization. She shall keep detailed accounts and present such reports at every Board meeting. The Treasurer shall upon request send a monthly financial statement to any member in good standing. The Treasurer shall send the financial statements electronically prior to the first meeting of the new season and prior to the annual meeting. She shall transfer the books and record within one month of the new incoming Treasurer taking office. The Treasurer shall sign all checks/debit/credit card transactions. The Treasurer shall inform the President of any expense over $1,000 prior to paying said bill.
Section 6 – Governors: The Governors represent the membership and shall attend all meetings of the Board. The Governors shall assist the officers in carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Governors.
Section 7 - Non-discriminatory Clause: Membership shall not be denied to any applicant because of race, color, or creed.
Section 1 - Appointed Committees: The Board shall appoint the following committees and shall make and administer rules and regulations for said committees in accordance with the by-laws:
A. Auditing Committee: The Auditing Committee shall consist of one or more members who shall audit the accounts and records of the Treasurer for the fiscal year ending each November 1. The committee shall at any time audit the accounts and records of the Treasurer or shall do so at any time upon the request of the Board.
B. Tournament/Volunteer Committee: The Tournament/Volunteer Committee shall consist of a chairperson and at least one other member. Subject to the approval of the Board, they shall arrange all tournaments for the season, supervise the playing of same, and set any entrance fees.
C. Handicap Committee: The Handicap Committee shall consist of a chairperson and at least one other member. This committee shall have the responsibility to determine and issue handicaps. Handicaps shall be posted not less than twice a month in accordance with the USGA rules.
D. Membership Committee: The Membership Committee shall consist of a chairperson and one other member. Said committee shall supply and receive membership applications.
E. Rules Committee: The Rules Committee shall consist of a chairperson and one other member. They shall receive and rule on any questions pertaining to the USGA Rules of Golf and local rules.
F. Nominating Committee: See Article II, Section 6.
The Board can create Ad-Hoc Committees as needed at anytime.
Section 1 - Initiation Fee and Dues: The amount of initiation fees and dues shall be assessed annually by the Board. The dues for the junior membership shall be one-half of the regular membership dues. Initiation fee for junior members is waived.
Section 2 - Payment of Dues, Fee and Assessments: Annual membership dues shall be payable not later than May 1.
Section 3 - Membership Participation: All members in good standing may participate in all club activities and tournaments. New members with current GHIN card may immediately take part fully in tournaments. New members without GHIN cards must submit five (5) signed and attested cards from any sloped and rated course before they can compete in tournaments. Until then, they may play, but not compete, in individual tournaments.
Section 4 - Eligibility to participate in the Club Championship: In order to qualify a member must have played in five events from the previous year or two events prior to the Club Championship qualifying date of the current year.
Section 5 - Membership Classification: The membership of the organization shall consist of the following two classes:
(1) Regular Member - Voting
(2) Junior Member - Non-voting (Juniors may retain this classification only until high-school graduation.)
Section 1 - Meetings of the Membership: The first meeting of the season shall be held in the spring of each year for the purpose of announcing tournament dates, introducing new members and to update the membership with information for the upcoming season. The annual meeting of the membership shall be held in the fall of each year for the purpose of electing officers and governors and to award tournament prizes.
Section 2 - Notice of Meetings: All members shall be notified of any membership meeting at least ten (10) days prior to said meeting. Notice of any special membership meetings called by the Board shall be posted by the Secretary at least seven (7) days prior.
Section 3 - Quorums: No meeting shall be called to order unless a quorum is present. At membership meetings, one-fifth of the members constitute a quorum for conducting business. At meetings of the Board, four (4) members constitute a quorum.
Section 4 - Voting: Any regular member shall have the right to vote on any measure. The Board shall have the right to revoke the vote of any member in accordance with Article VII of these by-laws.
If any five (5) members submit a written request to the Secretary according to Article II, Section 6, paragraph 3 of these By-Laws, then election shall be by secret ballot.
Section 1 - Misconduct: Charges of misconduct, which in the judgment of the Board are injurious to the order, welfare, interest or character of the organization or at variance with the requirements of the By-Laws or any rule pursuant thereto, shall be adequate and justifiable grounds for disciplinary action by the Board.
Section 2 - Procedure: A member may submit charges against another member on any of the grounds heretofore mentioned to the Board in writing.
The charged member may present to the Board, orally or in writing, personally or by representation, any evidence or testimony to disprove the charges against her.
Upon receipt of said charges, the Board shall conduct its own investigation to determine the seriousness and validity of the charges.
Section 3 - Decision of the Board: The Board, after carefully considering the facts, shall, by majority vote of its members, reprimand, suspend, request the resignation of, expel said member, or determine no action is required. The Secretary then, by order of the Board, shall notify the parties involved as to the decision of the Board.
Section 1 - General: All of the By-Laws may be altered, amended or repealed upon a majority vote of the membership. A copy of the proposed changes to the By-Laws must be sent to the membership in advance of the meeting of the membership.
Section 2 - Presentation of Proposed Amendments: Every proposed amendment not emanating from the Ad Hoc By-laws Committee shall be endorsed by at least ten (10) regular members in good standing.
Section 3 - Voting: Voting on the amendments to the By-Laws shall be taken by secret ballot or by a physical count of a standing vote.